Excerpt from the April 2, 2021 segment:
“I think they do know what’s going on and, look… this is a really embarrassing thing that they’ve let loose, politically, and I think that they’re trying really hard to spin, to give a narrative out there that will hold for a little while and stave off the embarrassment of what’s happening there. But look, this genie is out of the bottle. There’s no putting the genie back in there because Americans are going to start to feel this for real, very soon, in their communities. Whoever gets the blame for this is going down. This is an utter catastrophe. You haven’t even seen the, the… I mean, this is a historic event. I’ll just put it that way. By the time it’s over – the Washington Post is reporting 171,000 for the month of March. At that rate, you’ll pop over 250,000 for April. There’s no reason that rate’s not going to keep. It’s just going to be escalating like that and, you know, the American people, the polling shows the country does not want that. Nobody wants that to happen. There will be repercussions for whoever is responsible for this. And honestly, if I were to lay blame, it would be squarely on the shoulders of Joe Biden for not being aware enough to understand that their messaging, even before they entered office, caused this. Just the messaging. It’s going to be all hugs and no deportation. That brings it on.”
Listen to it below: