Bensman excerpt: “It’s not just Yemenis coming across. There are Syrians and Iranians and Pakistanis and Somalis, Lebanese – from all of the countries that harbor terrorist organizations or where terrorist organizations are very active. There is a steady flow of migration from those nations into South America, Central America mostly by air and sometimes by sea, and then on up through Mexico and then to the border. And very often, they turn out to be terrorist suspects with very serious, what we call, derogatory intelligence against them. And that happened just within the last month or so with these two Yemenis. I know of several others, as well who have crossed and who are on terror watch lists. It’s also right that not all of these folks who might have terrorist associations or backgrounds are even on watch lists. We just happened to find two Yemenis who were not only on the FBI’s terror watch list but on the FBI’s No Fly list, as well, which is a very rarified… You have to be considered very dangerous to be placed on a No Fly list. And that same Yemeni also had a cell phone sim card hidden in his boot.”
Listen to the full April 7, 2021 segment below: