Frank Gaffney: You have, in your terrific, on-the-ground reporting about what’s been happening on the border, called attention to the holes in the border wall that have now been left…open to the invaders. We’re now being told that the United States taxpayers are out two billion dollars to contractors who are being paid NOT to build the wall. That is to say, maintain and keep in place the components that would have gone into closing those gaps but are now simply lying on the ground rusting. Talk a little bit about what’s happening there and how this outrage might be stopped.
Bensman: Well, that part was definitely not mentioned during the campaign, when Biden and all his people were running around swearing that they were going to halt construction on the wall first thing, which is what they did. I was there the day they halted construction on the wall and saw acres and acres and acres that were stacked 15 feet high. And all of the equipment out there. I watched and saw and knew immediately that this was going to be a problem. I mean, what are you going to do with all this material out there? And now we know. It’s just going to be a drain on the public treasury for a long, long time. They are going to have to pay for this for years before they finally figure out a way to dispose of all this stuff. It was stupid. It was policy without any sort of planning. It was knee-jerk. A response to the base, the Democratic left part of the base. You should see it, Frank. I mean there’s some video out there – I mean, acres and acres in places all along the southern border with equipment and material just sitting out there rotting.
Gaffney: Wow. Ready to go, ready to be put in place, in places where it’s urgently needed, and we are paying through the nose for it not to be. And, as you say, deteriorating in the process.