Listen to this 40-minute call-in segment March 16, 2021
Excerpted answer to question from a caller about Yemenis caught at the border who were on the terror watch list: “Those are a very small percentage overall of migrants that hit the border but they really cause the biggest alarm. That’s like a five-alarm homeland security fire. When that happens, all of the three-letter agencies rush down to the border and begin security investigations on those individuals. The American public almost never hears about these. Very rarely does that break out into the public. This particular report broke out into the open because there was a delegation of Republican congressmen that went down to the border and Border Patrol told them about this. They came back and talked about it. My book describes that when this happens is almost routine now. We have as many as 20 watch-listed migrants a year hit the border, who actually make it to the border or get caught or get noticed somewhere in route. The issue with those kind of migrants is they show up without any kind of identification. We have no idea who they are… They say, ‘my name is Mickey Mouse and I apply for asylum.’ We just have to go through this process to figure out if they are good guys or the bad guys. And, every once in a while, they’re the bad guys.”